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About us

The transition that has taken place to bring about THE WARRIORS SWORD MINISTRY has been extensive.  As it began as THE CHRIST PATROL, then THE CALLING MINISTRIES.  At each setting, some different types of growth occurred.  When we decided to make the name change to THE WARRIORS SWORD around 2008, we were at a point of wanting to really move forward in new directions. And it did move forward.  Drastically!! Then we stopped.  In mid-2020 in the midst of all the COVID shut down, I was challenged.  A long-time supporter of the ministry offered the support to get things going again.  But the face of the ministry had changed forever.  It has always been about preaching revivals and media ministry and CDs and large outreach.  Suddenly, it took a more personal approach.  Ministering in restaurants and laundromats and touching people’s lives in a more personal way.  And we stand in that reality now.  We have the philosophy of just following through whatever door Jesus Christ opens to us.  At His will, He gives the direction to minister.  It may be a card, a little red stone, or a moment of time to offer counsel and/or accountability.  We are honored to get to serve the Lord and honored at how He uses THE WARRIORS SWORD.  Our two theme verses are HEBREWS 4:12 and ISAIAH 49:2. We will pray for you and talk to you and email you or whatever we can do.  PERSONAL!  That is what THE WARRIORS SWORD is all about.  Use us as a resource.  We want you to.  We have been coined Missionaries to America.  We are pretty honored by that terminology.  We are a mission to America, but we also have a global focus and are extremely excited at the doors God is opening even in foreign lands.  We are honored to be a GREAT COMMISSION MINISTRY, MATTHEW 28:19-20 and that is something that will never change. 

our pastors:

Mike Murrell

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME. John 14:6.”  I want to say that so I can say, as I share some of my history, it is not an exultation.  It is simply informational.  This ministry has been, is, and always will be because of Jesus and only Jesus.


I was raised a pastor’s son and had a “book knowledge” of faith.  But I rebelled against it, strongly.  On September 13, 1980, at a youth retreat at a folding chair, I made a submission to God.  The next day I got to celebrate communion alone under a wooden cross monument, and I committed to ministry.  I started THE CHRIST PATROL which became THE CALLING MINISTRIES. Then around 2008, we made the change to THE WARRIORS SWORD coming from Hebrews 4:12. The amount of ministry over the three names has gone from sending Bibles into Africa, to Radio/Television, to a Magazine/Newsletter, to CDs even supplying pastoral messages to a church in Louisiana while I was in Indiana.  In 1990, while continuing to do revivals and traveling thousands of miles a year, I took a pastorate and founded Christ Crusaders Church which would a few years later merge with Home Missionary Holiness Church.  I have ministered from youth rallies to nursing homes to a large prison ministry.  I’ve traveled into 34 states ministering to numerous denominations and non-denomination churches.  A couple major highlights in 1981 going to New York City for fifteen days and ministering in the streets and high rises and subways with David Wilkerson and his ministry World Challenge.  This was prior to him starting Times Square Church.  Also, going to New Mexico to work and help do VBS and provide music to the Navajo Indian reservation, which later would help in work in Arizona to the Indian people as well.  It was in 1982 in New Mexico that I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  I have worked in the political realm besides the spiritual realm.  I have been blessed to lead hundreds to salvation, sanctification, and/or recommitment.  I have done crisis suicide work, counseling in multiple areas, written several articles for national publications including on pornography and abortion and more.  I have produced two music CD projects.  I have pastored numerous churches including pastoring now in Boone, Iowa.  The Lord has blessed me and instructed me beyond measure and I consider myself very blessed to get to call myself a minister of His.




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